Bitrate is commonly measured in bits per second ( bps), kilobits per second ( Kbps), or megabits per second ( Mbps). In other words, it measures how much data is transmitted in a given amount of time. Techterms describes the meaning of bitrate as, “the rate at which bits are transferred from one location to another. This article will show you how to optimize your bitrate settings for maximum performance, calculate your ideal bitrate settings, and cover the recommended bitrate settings for Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook. If your connection can’t keep up, your stream will lag, buffer and drop frames to stabilize the stream. Having high bitrate settings means you’ll need a very stable internet connection. The higher your bitrate, the more bandwidth you will need. The video bitrate setting determines the amount of data transmitted per second.

Your ideal bitrate is entirely dependant on your internet connection. While you may believe that a higher bitrate will result in better video quality, this is not always the case. The bitrate you select is critical in determining the quality of your video. If you’re a live streamer, you want your viewers to be able to watch the video without buffering or lag.